Luum Awards in Africa

Estão abertas a partir de hoje as inscrições para o Luum Awards, neste momento o único festival global que premeia exclusivamente mensagens de sensibilização sócio-ambiental na publicidade. O Luum Awards (Genebra, Suíça), é lançado com uma equipe multidisciplinar de júris, composta por líderes responsáveis pela comunicação das principais ONGs internacionais e directores das mais destacadas...

Press release from Europe

La iniciativa, que parte de la organización de WINA Festival, tiene como objetivo galardonar y reconocer los mejores desarrollos de publicidad con causa social a nivel mundial. El certamen, que solo otorgará oros en su palmarés, cuenta con un jurado internacional de más de 80 miembros y ofrece una posibilidad de inscripción limitada pero...

Great news from Asia!

The Luum Awards has launched with a multidisciplinary panel of judges made up of leaders and professional communication managers of NGOs and associations; as well as directors and managers of multinational and independent creative agencies, to reward the best creative works that foster social, civic or environmental awareness from the 5 continents. Read the full...

#NoMoreMatildas: the campaign to make women in science visible

The Spanish agency Getting Better, is among the winners in WINA Festival 2021, with the successful #NoMoreMatildas campaign, seeking to cease the idea that science is a man’s thing. “In Spain, girls grow up thinking that science is a man’s thing. This is proved by the largest study on the presence of women in educational...

Règles Élémentaires: the powerful campaign by Serviceplan France

In France, around 1.7 million women do not have the financial means to buy intimate hygiene products – or not in sufficient quantity. Consequently, it’s difficult for some of them to continue with normal day to day life with dignity when menstruating. For some of these women, the solution lies in absence preferring not...

Protect Childhood 2021

Dubai Foundation for Women and Children (DFWAC) has announced the launch of its annual "Protect Childhood" campaign to prevent child abuse for the 11th year in a row, sponsored by ministry of interior (UAE), the theme this year is "Don’t parent with your ego”, and will run until the end of April. Taken from:

Greenpeace “gives the planet a voice”

What would planet earth say if it could speak to us? Under this premise, Greenpeace Colombia and GREY created ‘Earth is Saying’, that was conceived as a way of turning dry and unrelatable numbers into an emotional and meaningful message. Personifying planet earth, the agency believes, is the most effective way to drive home...