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The Causes category highlights the best creative works intended to achieve funding or support for causes.


Fundraising & Advocacy
  • Print
  • Design
  • Film
  • Outdoor
  • Radio
  • Effectiveness
  • Internet/Social Media
  • PR/CRM
  Partnerships to Achieve Goals
  • Print
  • Design
  • Film
  • Outdoor
  • Radio
  • Effectiveness
  • Internet/Social Media
  • PR/CRM


  • Entries must have been published or aired between May 1, 2023 and October 1, 2024.
  • Audio or narration must be in English or have English subtitles (legible subtitles).
  • It is mandatory that the Case Studies use Royalty-Free music.
  • The signature or watermark of the agency that made the piece cannot be maintained.
  • All notifications or updates will be made using the email registered by the participating agency.
  • If you are contacted as a winner, it is because your agency obtained, as a minimum, a Gold. Luum Awards does not award silver or bronze, only gold.


Keep in mind:
  • If you are going to enter a “Print” submission, you will only be able to upload a JPG or JPEG. You cannot upload videos as a support.
  • If you are going to enter a “Film” or “Radio” submission, you will only be able to upload a YouTube link. You cannot upload images as support.
  • For other sub-categories, you can submit a case study via YouTube link, an image or in both formats.


  • 3400 x 2000 pixels
  • 300 dpi
  • Color Mode: RGB
  • File size: 3MB maximum


The video should be uploaded to YouTube and then you must submit the URL on our registration platform. Consider the following quality and format suggestions Resolution:
  • Standard Definition Source Material minimum: 720 x 480
  • High Definition Source Material: 1920 x 1080
  • Codec: H264 or Mpeg4, Best Quality
  • Data Rate: Minimum 5,000kbps / Maximum 10,000kbps
  • Must not exceed 3 minutes.
If you need a support, write us at:

Designs for a better world

The Designs for a Better World category rewards ideas that, in addition to fulfilling their communicative packaging or product purposes, contribute to a sustainable world.


Designs for a Better World
  • Eco-friendly and Sustainable Packaging
  • Eco-friendly and Sustainable Advertising
  • Design Solutions for a Better World: Indoor
  • Design Solutions for a Better World: Outdoor

  • Campaigns


  • Entries must have been published or aired between May 1, 2023 and October 1, 2024.
  • Audio or narration must be in English or have English subtitles (legible subtitles).
  • It is mandatory that the Case Studies use Royalty-Free music.
  • The signature or watermark of the agency that made the piece cannot be maintained.
  • All notifications or updates will be made using the email registered by the participating agency.
  • If you are contacted as a winner, it is because your agency obtained, as a minimum, a Gold. Luum Awards does not award silver or bronze, only gold.


Keep in mind:
  • If you are going to enter a “Print” submission, you will only be able to upload a JPG or JPEG. You cannot upload videos as a support.
  • If you are going to enter a “Film” or “Radio” submission, you will only be able to upload a YouTube link. You cannot upload images as support.
  • For other sub-categories, you can submit a case study via YouTube link, an image or in both formats.


  • 3400 x 2000 pixels
  • 300 dpi
  • Color Mode: RGB
  • File size: 3MB maximum


The video should be uploaded to YouTube and then you must submit the URL on our registration platform. Consider the following quality and format suggestions: Resolution:
  • Standard Definition Source Material minimum: 720 x 480
  • High Definition Source Material: 1920 x 1080
  • Codec: H264 or Mpeg4, Best Quality
  • Data Rate: Minimum 5,000kbps / Maximum 10,000kbps
  • Must not exceed 3 minutes.
If you need a support, write us at:

Essence of the Message

The Essence of the Message category recognizes works that, through their content, plant insights that inspire a better society. No matter the type of product, service or advertiser, the important thing is that the creative work transmits a message with a sense of solidarity, equity, respect for animals or one of the 11 subcategories that make up this category.


  • Print
  • Design
  • Film
  • Outdoor
  • Radio
  • Effectiveness
  • Internet/Social Media
  • PR/CRM
  • Print
  • Design
  • Film
  • Outdoor
  • Radio
  • Effectiveness
  • Internet/Social Media
  • PR/CRM
  • Print
  • Design
  • Film
  • Outdoor
  • Radio
  • Effectiveness
  • Internet/Social Media
  • PR/CRM
  Diversity and Inclusion
  • Print
  • Design
  • Film
  • Outdoor
  • Radio
  • Effectiveness
  • Internet/Social Media
  • PR/CRM
  Environmental Respect
  • Print
  • Design
  • Film
  • Outdoor
  • Radio
  • Effectiveness
  • Internet/Social Media
  • PR/CRM
  Respect for Animal Rights
  • Print
  • Design
  • Film
  • Outdoor
  • Radio
  • Effectiveness
  • Internet/Social Media
  • PR/CRM
  Academic Values
  • Print
  • Design
  • Film
  • Outdoor
  • Radio
  • Effectiveness
  • Internet/Social Media
  • PR/CRM
  Sporting Values
  • Print
  • Design
  • Film
  • Outdoor
  • Radio
  • Effectiveness
  • Internet/Social Media
  • PR/CRM
  Family Values
  • Print
  • Design
  • Film
  • Outdoor
  • Radio
  • Effectiveness
  • Internet/Social Media
  • PR/CRM
  Civic Values
  • Print
  • Design
  • Film
  • Outdoor
  • Radio
  • Effectiveness
  • Internet/Social Media
  • PR/CRM
  • Campaigns


  • Entries must have been published or aired between May 1, 2023 and October 1, 2024.
  • Audio or narration must be in English or have English subtitles (legible subtitles).
  • It is mandatory that the Case Studies use Royalty-Free music.
  • The signature or watermark of the agency that made the piece cannot be maintained.
  • All notifications or updates will be made using the email registered by the participating agency.
  • If you are contacted as a winner, it is because your agency obtained, as a minimum, a Gold. Luum Awards does not award silver or bronze, only gold.


Keep in mind:
  • If you are going to enter a “Print” submission, you will only be able to upload a JPG or JPEG. You cannot upload videos as a support.
  • If you are going to enter a “Film” or “Radio” submission, you will only be able to upload a YouTube link. You cannot upload images as support.
  • For other sub-categories, you can submit a case study via YouTube link, an image or in both formats.


  • 3400 x 2000 pixels
  • 300 dpi
  • Color Mode: RGB
  • File size: 3MB maximum


The video should be uploaded to YouTube and then you must submit the URL on our registration platform. Consider the following quality and format suggestions: Resolution:
  • Standard Definition Source Material minimum: 720 x 480
  • High Definition Source Material: 1920 x 1080
  • Codec: H264 or Mpeg4, Best Quality
  • Data Rate: Minimum 5,000kbps / Maximum 10,000kbps
  • Must not exceed 3 minutes.
If you need a support, write us at:

Health & Wellness

The Health & Wellness category rewards creative communications that seek to demonstrate the importance of well-being and health in the development of a society. These educational, preventive and informative messages help us to understand even more the various challenges facing humanity, on the way to a healthier life.


Health & Wellness Education & Awareness
  • Print
  • Design
  • Film
  • Outdoor
  • Radio
  • Effectiveness
  • Internet/Social Media
  • PR/CRM
  Animal Health: Education & Awareness
  • Print
  • Design
  • Film
  • Outdoor
  • Radio
  • Effectiveness
  • Internet/Social Media
  • PR/CRM
  Mental Health: Education & Awareness
  • Print
  • Design
  • Film
  • Outdoor
  • Radio
  • Effectiveness
  • Internet/Social Media
  • PR/CRM
  Sexual and Reproductive Health: Education & Awareness
  • Print
  • Design
  • Film
  • Outdoor
  • Radio
  • Effectiveness
  • Internet/Social Media
  • PR/CRM
  Organ Donation: Education & Awareness
  • Print
  • Design
  • Film
  • Outdoor
  • Radio
  • Effectiveness
  • Internet/Social Media
  • PR/CRM
  Alcoholism: Education & Awareness
  • Print
  • Design
  • Film
  • Outdoor
  • Radio
  • Effectiveness
  • Internet/Social Media
  • PR/CRM
  Tobbaco Addictions: Education & Awareness
  • Print
  • Design
  • Film
  • Outdoor
  • Radio
  • Effectiveness
  • Internet/Social Media
  • PR/CRM
  Substance Use Disorders: Education & Awareness
  • Print
  • Design
  • Film
  • Outdoor
  • Radio
  • Effectiveness
  • Internet/Social Media
  • PR/CRM
  Other Addictions: Education & Awareness
  • Print
  • Design
  • Film
  • Outdoor
  • Radio
  • Effectiveness
  • Internet/Social Media
  • PR/CRM
  • Campaigns


  • Entries must have been published or aired between May 1, 2023 and October 1, 2024.
  • Audio or narration must be in English or have English subtitles (legible subtitles).
  • It is mandatory that the Case Studies use Royalty-Free music.
  • The signature or watermark of the agency that made the piece cannot be maintained.
  • All notifications or updates will be made using the email registered by the participating agency.
  • If you are contacted as a winner, it is because your agency obtained, as a minimum, a Gold. Luum Awards does not award silver or bronze, only gold.


Keep in mind:
  • If you are going to enter a “Print” submission, you will only be able to upload a JPG or JPEG. You cannot upload videos as a support.
  • If you are going to enter a “Film” or “Radio” submission, you will only be able to upload a YouTube link. You cannot upload images as support.
  • For other sub-categories, you can submit a case study via YouTube link, an image or in both formats.


  • 3400 x 2000 pixels
  • 300 dpi
  • Color Mode: RGB
  • File size: 3MB maximum


The video should be uploaded to YouTube and then you must submit the URL on our registration platform. Consider the following quality and format suggestions: Resolution:
  • Standard Definition Source Material minimum: 720 x 480
  • High Definition Source Material: 1920 x 1080
  • Codec: H264 or Mpeg4, Best Quality
  • Data Rate: Minimum 5,000kbps / Maximum 10,000kbps
  • Must not exceed 3 minutes.
If you need a support, write us at:

Human Rights

The Human Rights category highlights works that ensure the dissemination, education, respect and protection of human rights.


Human Rights
  • Human Rights Education and Awareness
  • Human Rights Protection
  • Liberty
  Reducing Inequalities
  • Gender Equality
  • Other Inequalities
  • Anti-Discrimination
  Right to Life
  • Right To Life
  • Justice
  • Family
  Freedom of Thought, Opinion and Expression
  • Freedom of Thought, Opinion and Expression
  • Democracy
  Social Security
  • Social Security
  Right to Work
  • Right to Work Education and Awareness
  • Good Working Practices
  • Forced Labour, Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking
  Right to Education; Quality Education
  • Right to education; Quality Education
  • Civism
  Right to Privacy
  • Right to Privacy

  • Campaigns


  • Entries must have been published or aired between May 1, 2023 and October 1, 2024.
  • Audio or narration must be in English or have English subtitles (legible subtitles).
  • It is mandatory that the Case Studies use Royalty-Free music.
  • The signature or watermark of the agency that made the piece cannot be maintained.
  • All notifications or updates will be made using the email registered by the participating agency.
  • If you are contacted as a winner, it is because your agency obtained, as a minimum, a Gold. Luum Awards does not award silver or bronze, only gold.


Keep in mind:
  • If you are going to enter a “Print” submission, you will only be able to upload a JPG or JPEG. You cannot upload videos as a support.
  • If you are going to enter a “Film” or “Radio” submission, you will only be able to upload a YouTube link. You cannot upload images as support.
  • For other sub-categories, you can submit a case study via YouTube link, an image or in both formats.


  • 3400 x 2000 pixels
  • 300 dpi
  • Color Mode: RGB
  • File size: 3MB maximum


The video should be uploaded to YouTube and then you must submit the URL on our registration platform. Consider the following quality and format suggestions: Resolution:
  • Standard Definition Source Material minimum: 720 x 480
  • High Definition Source Material: 1920 x 1080
  • Codec: H264 or Mpeg4, Best Quality
  • Data Rate: Minimum 5,000kbps / Maximum 10,000kbps
  • Must not exceed 3 minutes.
If you need a support, write us at:

Institutional Communication: NGOs; Communities and Associations; Governmental, Social and Environmental Entities

The Institutional communication NGOs category highlights the internal and external institutional communication of NGOs. Additionally, it awards messages that seek to position or recognize the important work of this type of organization for society.


Corporate and Institutional Communication of Non-governmental Social and Environmental Organizations (NGOS)
  • Print
  • Design
  • Film
  • Outdoor
  • Radio
  • Effectiveness
  • Internet/Social Media
  • PR/CRM
  Corporate and Institutional Communication of Governmental Social and Environmental Organizations
  • Print
  • Design
  • Film
  • Outdoor
  • Radio
  • Effectiveness
  • Internet/Social Media
  • PR/CRM
  Corporate and Institutional Communication of Associations, Groups and Communities
  • Print
  • Design
  • Film
  • Outdoor
  • Radio
  • Effectiveness
  • Internet/Social Media
  • PR/CRM
  • Campaigns


  • Entries must have been published or aired between May 1, 2023 and October 1, 2024.
  • Audio or narration must be in English or have English subtitles (legible subtitles).
  • It is mandatory that the Case Studies use Royalty-Free music.
  • The signature or watermark of the agency that made the piece cannot be maintained.
  • All notifications or updates will be made using the email registered by the participating agency.
  • If you are contacted as a winner, it is because your agency obtained, as a minimum, a Gold. Luum Awards does not award silver or bronze, only gold.


Keep in mind:
  • If you are going to enter a “Print” submission, you will only be able to upload a JPG or JPEG. You cannot upload videos as a support.
  • If you are going to enter a “Film” or “Radio” submission, you will only be able to upload a YouTube link. You cannot upload images as support.
  • For other sub-categories, you can submit a case study via YouTube link, an image or in both formats.


  • 3400 x 2000 pixels
  • 300 dpi
  • Color Mode: RGB
  • File size: 3MB maximum


The video should be uploaded to YouTube and then you must submit the URL on our registration platform. Consider the following quality and format suggestions: Resolution:
  • Standard Definition Source Material minimum: 720 x 480
  • High Definition Source Material: 1920 x 1080
  • Codec: H264 or Mpeg4, Best Quality
  • Data Rate: Minimum 5,000kbps / Maximum 10,000kbps
  • Must not exceed 3 minutes.
If you need a support, write us at:


The Planet category highlights the best creative messages and actions that promote caring for the planet, from prevention to awareness.


Climate Action
  • Climate Action
  Protecting Life on Land
  • Protecting Life on Land
  Protecting Underwater Life
  • Protecting Underwater Life
  Promoting Clean Water and Sanitation
  • Promoting Clean Water and Sanitation
  Promoting Affordable and Clean Energy
  • Promoting Affordable and Clean Energy
  Promoting Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • Promoting Sustainable Cities and Communities
  Responsible Consumption and Production
  • Responsible Consumption and Production
  • Campaigns


  • Entries must have been published or aired between May 1, 2023 and October 1, 2024.
  • Audio or narration must be in English or have English subtitles (legible subtitles).
  • It is mandatory that the Case Studies use Royalty-Free music.
  • The signature or watermark of the agency that made the piece cannot be maintained.
  • All notifications or updates will be made using the email registered by the participating agency.
  • If you are contacted as a winner, it is because your agency obtained, as a minimum, a Gold. Luum Awards does not award silver or bronze, only gold.


Keep in mind:
  • If you are going to enter a “Print” submission, you will only be able to upload a JPG or JPEG. You cannot upload videos as a support.
  • If you are going to enter a “Film” or “Radio” submission, you will only be able to upload a YouTube link. You cannot upload images as support.
  • For other sub-categories, you can submit a case study via YouTube link, an image or in both formats.


  • 3400 x 2000 pixels
  • 300 dpi
  • Color Mode: RGB
  • File size: 3MB maximum


The video should be uploaded to YouTube and then you must submit the URL on our registration platform. Consider the following quality and format suggestions: Resolution:
  • Standard Definition Source Material minimum: 720 x 480
  • High Definition Source Material: 1920 x 1080
  • Codec: H264 or Mpeg4, Best Quality
  • Data Rate: Minimum 5,000kbps / Maximum 10,000kbps
  • Must not exceed 3 minutes.
If you need a support, write us at:


The Society category brings together all creative communications that seek to combat or prevent different societal problems, which unfortunately, are more common than we think.


  • Child Rights; Education and Awarness
  • Stop Pedofilia
  • Stop Child Abuse
  • Anti- Bullying Campaigns
  Responsible Communication
  • Freedom of the Press; Protecting Journalists' Rights
  • Ethical Communication and Fake News
  • Internet and Social Media Use Prevention Campaigns
  Prosperity and Infrastructure
  • Prosperity and infrastructure
  Art and Culture Development
  • Art and Culture Development
  Stop War
  • Stop War
  • Hunger
  • Poverty
  Campaign Against Sexual Exploitation and Abuse
  • Campaign Against Sexual Exploitation and Abuse
  Stop Violence
  • Stop Violence
  • Campaigns


  • Entries must have been published or aired between May 1, 2023 and October 1, 2024.
  • Audio or narration must be in English or have English subtitles (legible subtitles).
  • It is mandatory that the Case Studies use Royalty-Free music.
  • The signature or watermark of the agency that made the piece cannot be maintained.
  • All notifications or updates will be made using the email registered by the participating agency.
  • If you are contacted as a winner, it is because your agency obtained, as a minimum, a Gold. Luum Awards does not award silver or bronze, only gold.


Keep in mind:
  • If you are going to enter a “Print” submission, you will only be able to upload a JPG or JPEG. You cannot upload videos as a support.
  • If you are going to enter a “Film” or “Radio” submission, you will only be able to upload a YouTube link. You cannot upload images as support.
  • For other sub-categories, you can submit a case study via YouTube link, an image or in both formats.


  • 3400 x 2000 pixels
  • 300 dpi
  • Color Mode: RGB
  • File size: 3MB maximum


The video should be uploaded to YouTube and then you must submit the URL on our registration platform. Consider the following quality and format suggestions: Resolution:
  • Standard Definition Source Material minimum: 720 x 480
  • High Definition Source Material: 1920 x 1080
  • Codec: H264 or Mpeg4, Best Quality
  • Data Rate: Minimum 5,000kbps / Maximum 10,000kbps
  • Must not exceed 3 minutes.
If you need a support, write us at:

Final entry deadline: October 2